The Glory and Beauty Of God's Creation by Jeremy Thomas Holt

 The Glory and Beauty Of God's Creation by Jeremy Thomas Holt 

        The sun shines brightly down on earth, illuminating the Forests, the fields, the rivers, the lakes, the ponds, and the oceans. The sounds of the water rushing to and from fills the air. The trees,bushes, and grasses of green sway in the wind.  The birds begin to stir and tweet and fly from their nests to look for food. The turtles and fish swim in search of food.  The Ospreys and Eagles arrive and circle in the air over the lakes, ponds, and rivers  looking for fish and when they’ve spotting they dive down into the water at great speed and catch their meal. Herons and Egrets stand ready in lakes and ponds of water as they feed on fish and frogs. The Spoonbills search frantically through the mud and water for fish and frogs by moving it’s spoon shaped bill back and forth through the water. Squirrels climb up and down the trees and run all over looking for nuts. Then the hawks fly in looking for squirrels and rabbits and other small animals for their meals. The Deer come out looking for food and well as beavers and groundhogs. The snakes slither through grass looking for a meal. The bees begin to buzz and fly from flower to flower collecting pollen. The dragonflies, butterflies and all kinds of bugs fly and crawl all around looking for meals. All while they all tweet, chirp buzz and cry out in unison in praise to God their creator. To God who gave them life. Because only God could create such beautiful breathtaking creatures and awe-inspiring scenery. A scenery that so many take for granted or don’t even know the importance of. Many don’t even know of all the beautiful, interesting, and inspiring birds, fish, and land animals that live in the trees and waters of our world. That is why there are those like me who feel called by God to share with you The Beauty, The Glory, and The Importance of God’s truly incredible creation. I feel that I am being called into this world of photography, videography, and writing for those reasons. Every photo I take, every video I make, and every Poem or story I write I do it for God. I hope to show you through my work and my journey The Glory and Beauty Of God’s Creation. I’ve always loved and had a passion for the outdoors and a profound interest in the different creatures with whom we share our world. I’ll see you out on the trail, on the water, or in the mountains. May God bless His creation and may God bless you all. 


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