The Reason Why You Should Put God Before Yourself By Jeremy Thomas Holt

                                           The Reason Why You Should Put God Before Yourself
                                                                      By Jeremy Thomas Holt

God is So Amazing in every possible way. He does things when you least expect Him to. God is the Reason you and I are both here. He’s why I’m writing these words. The last two years of my life have been most challenging of all the years I’ve lived thus far.  I’ve been put through many different tests by the Devil (Satan). But all he’s (Satan) been able is to make me Grow even stronger in my relationship with Jesus Christ because I trusted and still trust God with my life. I have not lost faith like he thought I would. I have been in Prayer with Jesus Christ my Savior. And he opened my eyes even wider and helped me grow by bringing new friends in my life and through music.  I now realize that I have been very selfish and thought only of myself. Over time I began to turn many things over in my life to Christ because I couldn’t handle them myself any longer. The Lord has taken those and is making them better. And I am noticing it. And He is doing because of my Faith in Him, because I have never lost hope or faith in Him. For He Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and I’m not afraid to admit it. So take Head of my words which come from the Lord, for this is the reason why you should put God before yourself. God is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life, and I’m so Glad I answered Him when He called. This short story is to help those who are struggling in their faith. You must concentrate on God and God alone. He saved my life let Him save yours. Don’t be afraid of God, He created you and He loves you. He loves all people even the evil ones. This is the reason why you should put God before yourself. He will do things you can’t possibly imagine. Like for example of things in my life, the return of my favorite girl Nat, or getting to spend another Christmas with my grandmother whom we did not think would make much longer, or like being able to finally write a new poem, Or because I have a job and a car and a place to stay. So in conclusion I want to say thank you Lord Jesus for saving my life and for all you have done and all you will do for me in my life time. So remember to put God First in your life. Give Him Thanks

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 


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