The War Of The Light And Darkness By Jeremy Thomas Holt

The War Of The Light And Darkness
By Jeremy Thomas Holt

The light and darkness collide in war. A War that’s been raging since the beginning of time. There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of stories about the light and darkness or good versus evil. It’s always a constant tug of war in your life with light and the darkness. The darkness (Satan a.ka. The devil) is powerful and strong, stronger than you might think he/it is. The darkness can take whatever you might be going through and use it against you. It can take your feelings for someone, your emotions, and your weaknesses and twist them all up together and then drop them on you like bomb and make your life miserable. The darkness can take over everything, your feelings, your emotions, and your weaknesses and cause you do things and say things you’d never normally say or do. The darkness will pull at you, laugh at you, torture you and It can be so unbearable, uncomfortable, and uncontrollable that you hit a breaking point and break down crying. The darkness wants and trys to tear your life apart. The darkness is the scariest thing in world and every person in this world will experience it. Some don’t find their way out and become consumed by the darkness and they do very evil and disgusting things. It’s like my favorite Star Wars Character Grandmaster Jedi Yoda said “Fear is the path to the dark side. fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” There is way out of the Darkness and last year when I was overwhelmed by the darkness I found it. God is the true light of life and only He can save you from the Darkness without Him you’ll never find your way out. I turned to Him when I was ready to quit and give up. I remember I was talking to Him and I felt Him move in my heart and He spoke to me. He said “Jeremy come to Me my son and I will give you rest.” And then I saw this light getting brighter and brighter and slowly everything began come back into focus and I could see all around me again. What I’m trying to say if you know the Lord and keep your faith and trust in Him He will lead you through the darkness and back out from it. The light is always in your heart you just have to know how to look for it properly and when you find it just watch and see what God does for you and you will be amazed. You will learn so much from these experiences jjust as I have. I couldn’t write this story today if I hadn’t learned from my experiences. What I learned is that you can't think clearly and make good decisions wen your mind is clouded by the darkness. You can't be your true self in the darkness. You can't be who you are mean to be when you're in the darkness. I learned how important it is to never give up on God's plans for your life. There is one thing in my life. My feelings for someone, and i've tried in every way possible to run from those feelings, to hide from them. To close the door because I felt it wasn't meant to be. But everytime I tried God would reach out and stop me and He would say “what are you doing? Where are you going? I am not done yet.” and I still don't understand why I can't close the door and move on when I want to more than anything but I trust in God and His Plans fo me. And I can tell you today that I still feel the darkness pulling at me and trying to lure me back in but now that I have found the light my faith in God has grown and so has my Trust in God. I still have the fear that the darkness might bring me back down onto my knees again but I won’t let the devil win because I know he can’t win. I’m not going to let him destroy my life and everything in it. Instead I’m going to let God guide me and breath life into all of the things in my life. Some things aren’t meant to be in your life and some aren’t. Life isn’t always going to be fair or easy because what life really be if it was easy. So shine your light upon the world and help those are stuck in the darkness find the light. Sometimes you help people find the light in their lives and you don’t even know it. May God bless you all and may He shine is never ending light upon you. Amen.


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