Lord I Give It All To You By Jeremy Thomas Holt

Lord I Give It All To You
by Jeremy Thomas Holt

Lord I give it all to you
all of my burdens and
all of my sorrows
all of my weaknesses and
all of my worries
I lift them all to you because I know
you can handle them when I cant

Lord I give it all to you
all of my pain and
all of my illnesses
all of my trials and
all of my Doubts
I lift them all to you because I know
you can handle them when I cant

Lord I give it all to you for you are my Saving Grace and I know that when I cast these things upon you Father God that I can trust you with like I could no one else. Because I know you will guide me through these things and that you will guide me in the right direction towards your light in all of these things. So my friends, my family members, my church family members, and my co-workers I want you to know that God can guide you through all of your various trials and temptations to. If really truly believe in God and pray to Him and cast upon Him all of these things He will Guide you through all of them and in the right direction towards His Light. And things in your life will begin to change like you wouldn’t possibly believe. Its amazing the things that God can with things that you don’t know what to do with or how to deal with. When it seems confusing or impossible cast it upon the Lord and see what He can do for you. Now you know why I give it all to Him everyday when I pray. Because I’m not afraid to say Lord I cant handle this on my own please help and guide me through it. So Lord I give it all to you oh everyday lord I give it all to you. I will Lift it all up to you Lord and leave it with you. And I will allow you to control it Lord and do what you see that is right in my life. Let Go and Let God. Amen  


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