When Times Are Hard by Jeremy Holt

this is my last poem for now until i write a new one. and dont worry i will be writing more poems but until then please enjoy the poems and short stories ive already shared. and "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow." Thomas Ken
                                                                     When Times Are Hard

                                                                   By Jeremy Thomas Holt

When times are hard, when there seems to be no hope, when all seems lost, When you want to just give up and cry because you feel that you just can’t do it anymore.  When loved ones die. When your friends betray you, when your bosses and co-workers mistreat and disrespect you. When you are injured, When you have bills you cannot pay. You feel as though everything in your life is falling apart. It feels like you can’t carry on anymore.  And that’s where you’re wrong. You’re wrong because you have one thing that isn’t falling apart. That one thing is God and your relationship with Him. God is still as strong as ever. So when things in your life seem to falling apart you need to have Faith. Because having faith is the best thing you can have. God can make miracles happen in your life. He can turn your troubled life around in an instant. Though my own life is been very difficult in the past months my faith remains as strong as ever because I know what God can do for me.  It took me a while but I realized that everything going on in my life is what God planned to happen in my life and HE has His reasons for putting me through all this. Just because your life seems to be falling apart doesn’t mean it is. It is God showing you that you are strong and He needs you. He is showing you that HE still loves you. So don’t give up on your life. When you put your trust in God and put Him first in your life great things will happen. And it is because of Him (God) that I’m writing these words.  Yes my life has been difficult, stressful, and tiring.  But friends God is so good to me and He is Good to you to.  I trust God with my life and my whole heart. So therefor I encourage you not to give up, not to lose hope, don’t stop believing. Becauseanything can happen with God. All things are possible. I’ve seen the wonderful things he has done for others. So may your life be filled with the Love of God forever. In His name AMEN.



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