Make America God’s Again By Jeremy Thomas Holt

                       Make America God’s Again By Jeremy Thomas Holt

My Fellow Americans I come to you to say that we must MAKE AMERICA GOD’S AGAIN!!!!! It’s come into my heart to write this story about America and to hopefully spread the Light of God back into our world because God is our only hope.  For many years our Nation of The United States Of America which was founded under Christian principles has stood strong in the midst of the great darkness that now threatens its very existence. Our nation has had many good Presidents and its many bad Presidents too. The United States is a land of freedom where people first came to worship Christ freely because they couldn’t do so in their own home land. We won our freedom from the British and The Declaration of Independence was written and July the 4th 1776 would become known as Independence Day for years to come. Our founding fathers wrote The Constitution of The United States of America to preserve the freedom that we now have. God was first before all else in America when it was born on July 4th 1776. But 245 have passed since then and America has now turned its back on God and millions have lost and or given their hearts and souls over the darkness of the devil. A darkness that has existed from the beginning of time. The Darkness has brought forth corruption in politicians in both the republican and democratic party’s the likes of which has never been seen before and especially in the Democratic Party. For the last 50 years or so Americans have been electing the same officials over and over. With every campaign these politicians make the same promises over and over but as soon as they win re-election they turn their backs on us. No one ever seems to care enough to want to know why. With each day of this that has Gone by America has moved further and further away from God. God isn’t allowed in schools, on social media, in sports,politics, and even in some churches anymore where pastors have started preaching their own narratives and views and twisting Gods word to justify what they are preaching to you. When the corrupt darkness of Satan reaches the church of God you know that it is bad. Politicians no longer base their decisions for our country on the teachings of God. It’s on the verge becoming almost illegal in the United States of America to be American or a Christian. We republican/conservatives who are Christians are under attack for supporting President Donald J. Trump who is the current President at the moment as I write this. He has fought for us every day since he announced he was running for President in 2015. President Trump fights for Americans and he fights for Christians. The Democratic Party has concentrated their every moment since before President Trump was elected trying overthrow him and remove him from office because they couldn’t stand that they lost. First there was Russia Russia Russia, then the impeachment hoax, the they tried to politicize the coronavirus pandemic and make dozens more lies about him. We just got out of the 2020 presidential election that was stolen from us by so called President Elect Joe Biden. A massive overwhelming amount of evidence proving voter fraud including hundreds of eye witnesses and signed affidavits, videos, and even forensic evidence show us that possibly anywhere from thousands of votes to maybe even 10 to 20 million ballots were either fake, had no signatures, had signatures that didn’t match, the dead people voted, that dominion voting machines that have a normal error rate of less than 1 percent actually had an astonishing error rate of over 68% making it possible that they were rigged for voter fraud, that hundreds of thousands of republican votes were either switched to Democrat or even deleted, that people voted in states they don’t live in, that some people were even turned away after being told they couldn’t vote because they already had even when they hadn’t, that in many states poll watchers weren’t allowed to watch the votes being counted, that some poll watchers were forced to stand outside while the people inside covered the windows so the poll watchers couldn’t see inside, and lastly a video in Georgia shows poll workers pulling suitcases filled with ballots out from under the tables long after most of the other workers went home. it is clearly obvious the election was stolen from true Americans and President Trump knows it was. Something truly dark and evil had occurred in our world and I’ll bet anything the Devil is behind it. The devil has a name and I'm no longer afraid to say it either. His name is Satan. He has us right where he wants us fighting amongst ourselves while he continues to work his evil schemes and plan on our world. We have become a world that doesn’t know what love is anymore because we are so concentrated on hatred and fighting with each other. I think Grandmaster Yoda said it best in Star Wars episode 1 “fear is the path to the dark side… fear leads to anger… anger leads to hate… hate leads to suffering.” The Democratic Party along with many traitor republicans, the media, the celebrities, and social media big tech have been pushing across fear mongering news coverage which has made many people angry and that in turn caused them to hate and now because of it we are going to suffer under the communist socialist leadership of Joe Biden. But I have good news: there is something that destroys the darkness and that something is actually someone. His name is God the Lord Of Lords The King of Kings, and King Above all earth. His light can help us stomp out Satan a.k.a. The devil and his darkness. But we have to allow God back in America. We have got to turn our attention back to the Lord.  As the song “Root Of It All.”by my favorite hand By The Tree says “get back to the root of it all Jesus is calling us to the love of a Father and to love one another.” And The Bible tells us in 2 Chronicles 7:14 “and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” God tells us that if we will turn from our sin and wicked ways and pray and seek him then he will heal our land. We must let God back into our schools, social media, into politics, into everyday life, and even back into our Churches where pastors have taken their own Narratives and twisted the word of God to fit their own narratives rather than God's narrative. And also let me warn you about something else. Many of our politicians may seem like good people but just because they look and seem like good people doesn’t make them good people. The devil himself can quote the Bible just as well as a Christian and he can fool us into believing that certain people are on God’s when they’re not. For example for some it’s someone like  President Donald J. Trump who held up a Bible in front of a church and for others it’s Nancy Pelosi who used the Bible to attack president Trump in response to what he did  by reading a verse from Ecclesiastes 3:3 “there is a time to kill and a time to heal.” By doing this she was trying to make it sound like Trump was not trying to help heal our country in the face of the riots stirred up by terrorist groups BLM and ANTIFA when that was a complete lie. Had Nancy Pelosi had the read that same chapter a little bit more she would’ve also seen the verse 8 says “There is a time to love and a time to hate; a time for war and a time for peace.”  It says there is a time to hate and with the pandemic and all the riots going that was certainly not a time to hate and attack your enemy with the word  of God. But instead Nancy Pelosi and all her democrat cronies and traitor republicans were encouraging the rioters to keep it up and bailing them out of jail in the hopes to make Trump look like the worst President ever. My point is their are people out there who use the Bible as a weapon or attack against their enemies instead of spreading its message and light. Many people will say there intentions are good and won’t hurt you but I want you to remember this quote from one of my favorite books “A Wrinkle In Time.” By Madeleine L’engle “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Charles Wallace. Now that is my warning to you and I hope you understand it well. I pray for God to forgive everyone who is harming our country because they don’t know what they are doing. I pray for a great awakening in the United States Of America for our citizens to come out of the darkness and rise up as one people under God!!!! I pray for God to deliver us from the evil one whose name is Satan (the devil). I pray to God for the Salvation of The United States Of America. So Let us save America and let us MAKE AMERICA GOD’S AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! Amen!!!!! God Bless You All and God Bless America!!!!! #makeamericagodsagain #makeamericagreatagain


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