She Was The Light In My Darkness By Jeremy Thomas Holt

She Was The Light In My Darkness by Jeremy Thomas Holt 

Let me tell you why I say she was the light in my darkness

You knew you loved her with all you heart since the moment you first saw her
You knew she had said no more than once
You knew she was still your friend 
You about her struggles and wished you could help
You never understood why she didn’t tell you things but you accepted it
You continued on as it nothing was happening 
You knew she told lies behind your back
You even felt like you couldn’t trust her 
You had so much confusion and trouble understanding things between you both
But even then you knew you still loved her though you didn’t know why 
You knew what you had to do 
But could you do it?
Could you Just let go and say goodbye
Maybe it wasn’t meant to be
You tried to hard and messed things up
You let yourself down and hated yourself 
You beat yourself up in your own frustration 
You lost control of your thoughts and your mind
Your thoughts were shrouded in darkness and they weren’t your own 
You couldn’t control what come out of you or what you did 
Your heard a laugh that wasn’t yours 
You felt like you were being taunted at and tortured 
You felt like you couldn’t see 2 feet in front of you
You felt like you were watching your life from the sideline
You were weak and fell to your knees 
You began to question God asking “why does this always happen to me?”
Tears ran down your cheeks as you hit a breaking point 
You couldn’t go on with who you had become 
You cried out to God asking Him for strength 
You thought that God wouldn’t answer 
But then you felt God reach out and place His hands upon you
You felt His presence fill and overwhelm your weakness 
You felt strength flow through you once more
You felt rather than hearing God speak to you
You felt Him say “come to Me and I will you rest” 
You felt the darkness leaving you and the light overcoming 
You didn’t hear the laugh that wasn’t your
You didn’t feel tortured or taunted anymore 
You could control your own thoughts and mind again
You didn’t hate yourself anymore 
You had control again over what came out of you and what you did 
You knew your weren’t watching your life from the sidelines anymore
You got to your feet with your strength renewed 
You stopped questioning the Lord’s Will over your life
You had just realized the truth of what God had done
You realized that she was lesson, a power lesson 
You now see what you couldn’t before
You see that God used her to teach you 
He used her to show your own faith in Him was failing 
He used her to expose your doubt
He used her to expose your weakness 
He used her to expose your selfishness 
He used her to expose your true self 
He used her to expose your dark side 
But most importantly He used to her to unlock the light within your heart 
He used to her to bring you back to Him
He used her to save you from yourself 
He used her to show you that He never left your side 
He used her to give you strength 
He used her to renew your hope and your faith 
Now you realize why you loved her all this time 
Because God was using her as light in your life to lead you back to Him. 
Now you understand God's purpose for her being in your life 
Now you’ve found the strength you need to just let Go and say goodbye 
She’s still your friend but you get to see her anymore
While you struggled she moved on
You wish she knew what she truly means to you 
You wish she knew that she was your light in your darkness 
You wish she knew how God used her in your life
That with our her you would’ve never found your way back God 
And that’s why even now you still love her. 
That’s why you’re able to forgive her while others talk behind her back
Even though you know and accept that it may not God's plan for you and her be more than friends. 
You have truly begun to move on and say goodbye but you’ll never forget her and she’ll always be your friend. 

These things that I just wrote about are real events that occurred in my life. I felt A need to describe it in detail to share a power story of how God transformed me to be an even better version of myself. If God did the unbelievable in your life like He did for me by using one of my best and closest friends (who’s name I will not mention at this time) to bring me back into His light I encourage you to share your stories with the world like I am. May God bless you and keep you. Amen


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