It’s Not About Me, It’s About God By Jeremy Thomas Holt

                                       It’s Not About Me, It’s About God
                                              By Jeremy Thomas Holt

      It’s not about me, it’s about a God. It’s not about you, it’s about God. It took me along time to learn this lesson. All I ever did was think about myself. I was always asking things like “why me”, “why does this always happen to me”, what will I do, when Will I do it, how will I do it, where will I do it, how Will I do it, and who will I do it with or for?, “how can I fix this?” “What can I do?” And etc. I can’t believe I used to think that way. It’s honestly a very bad way of thinking and it doesn’t help you at all in certain situations. It’s really bad when you’re trying to do something the right way in life because thinking selfishly in this kind of situation is very distracting. It can lead you into doing things you wouldn’t normally do with a clear mind. I figured that out the hard way when I met someone I really liked and I wanted to do everything the right way this time around and not mess up but even then I still messed up. It was because I was thinking about everything very selfishly. I’m learning how to think differently than I was. Now I think in this way: Lord I may not understand what these things are happening in my life but I know they are your plans?, Lord How Will You do it?, What Will You do?, Where will you do it? When Will you do it? Why will you do it? And Who will you do it with? How Will you fix it? How Will you guide me in the right direction in this situation? What will you do? And Also “What Would Jesus Do?”. It’s so much better to think this way than to think selfishly. It may not be easy to think in the right way but once you start to think right you began to realize and dislike the way you used to think. It will bother you like crazy. I caught myself once already thinking the wrong way again and had to tell myself to stop it. I isn’t easy to think God’s way and not think in our selfish ways. Allow God to guide you and teach these things and you will learn how to think like Him. Don’t others tell how to think either because all that does is cause you to go back to thinking selfishly. It’s truly amazing how God works in your life, He answers questions you’ve been asking Him over and over when you least expect it and everything He does is when you least expect it. God gave us His son Jesus to die for us to save us from our sins. When Jesus died and rose again He conquered over sin and death and defeated the devil and took the Keys of hell from the devil. Satan is evil, scary, and down right selfish. I’m telling you all of this so you won’t make the same mistakes I did when I spiraled down in the darkness and wondered in the desert. God delivered me from the darkness back into the light and He’s showing me how to be more like Him. That’s how I learned that’s It’s Not About Me, It’s About God and it has been this whole time. I understand now what He wants me to do for Him better than I used to. I devote myself and my life to Him. As the song says “I give myself away so you can use me.” Don’t let the devil ruin your life instead let God guide you and bless you endlessly. In Jesus name in conclude amen.


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