
Showing posts from June, 2019

The War Of The Light And Darkness By Jeremy Thomas Holt

The War Of The Light And Darkness By Jeremy Thomas Holt The light and darkness collide in war. A War that’s been raging since the beginning of time. There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of stories about the light and darkness or good versus evil. It’s always a constant tug of war in your life with light and the darkness. The darkness (Satan a.ka. The devil) is powerful and strong, stronger than you might think he/it is. The darkness can take whatever you might be going through and use it against you. It can take your feelings for someone, your emotions, and your weaknesses and twist them all up together and then drop them on you like bomb and make your life miserable. The darkness can take over everything, your feelings, your emotions, and your weaknesses and cause you do things and say things you’d never normally say or do. The darkness will pull at you, laugh at you, torture you and It can be so unbearable, uncomfortable, and uncontrollable that you hit a br...