
Showing posts from January, 2015

The Reason Why You Should Put God Before Yourself By Jeremy Thomas Holt

                                           The Reason Why You Should Put God Before Yourself                                                                       By Jeremy Thomas Holt God is So Amazing in every possible way. He does things when you least expect Him to. God is the Reason you and I are both here. He’s why I’m writing these words. The last two years of my life have been most challenging of all the years I’ve lived thus far.  I’ve been put through many different tests by the Devil (Satan). But all he’s (Satan) been able...

Belated Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year To All My Readers.

2014 was another great year filled with lots of stress and challenges. and it ended on a good not. 2015 began with a bang. i received a surprise an hour into 2015 when i texted my favorite girl whom i hadn't heard from since October 31st 2013. and she responded. i was in middle of texting about her to trying to tell how i felt when she was taken out of my life. i wasn't expecting her to answer but she did. I'm so happy right that words fail to describe it. but by the glory of God she and i are talking again. I always had the feeling id hear from her again.last year and The start of this year are giving me a very strong to desire to resume writing again. i'm going to try to write something tonight. i ask God to give me the words to write. thank you guys for being patient with me. I love you Nat :) <3 its great to hear from you again and know you're ok. :)                      Jeremy Thomas Holt :)       ...